Quality policy

We represent world-leading manufacturers known for their quality and technical innovations. We deliver to the Nordic market and provide the products at the right time, in the right place and with the promised quality.
Our operations are based on applicable laws and regulations.
Our quality work and management system are developed through continuous improvements.

Environmental policy

We strive to sell products and technical solutions that, in their function, reduce negative environmental impact in society.
We must strive to ensure that our products do not contain dangerous or harmful substances.

Within each business area, Cromocol must work to minimize negative environmental impact and prevent pollution.

We comply with applicable laws and requirements while working with continuous improvements.
Environmental concern is the responsibility of every employee. We must act in such a way that our company contributes to sustainable development with a view to future generations.
To achieve this we shall:
– Train and engage everyone in the company.
– Work to ensure that transport is optimized and adapted to the environment.
– Work for suppliers to adapt their manufacturing and products to the environment.