Laboratory / KRÜSS / Tensiometer, CMC, Interfacial tension


Experience Precision and Convenience with the Tensíío Tensiometer

Building a basic tensiometer may seem straightforward: combining a moveable sample stage with a force measuring device. However, creating an advanced top of the line tensiometer requires more. The Tensíío Tensiometer goes beyond the basics, offering the latest technology, including an ultra-precise force sensor and a sample positioning system with an exceptional dynamic range.

But what truly sets Tensíío apart is its user-centered design. It’s engineered to make your lab work more efficient, flexible, and convenient. Whether you're conducting surface tension measurements, critical micelle concentration, or interfacial tension analysis, Tensíío delivers the accuracy and ease-of-use that streamline your tasks and save you valuable time.

Technical information
  • Resolution: 0.01 °C
  • Precision: ±0.05 °C
  • Accuracy: ±0.5 °C
  • Sample temp control: -60 to 450 °C

  • Accessories: Camera system, CMC, Ionizer, Calibration tool, temperature and gas control and more.

  • Measuring methods: Surface free energy of Solids, Rod, Wilhelmy Plate, Du noüy ring, Liquid density, Penetration, Sedimentation, Washburn,
Documents & videos