Cromocol växer inom materialprovning och kvalitetskontroll genom förvärv av Paper Test Equipment Sweden AB.

12 Apr 2024

Cromocol har skrivit avtal om att förvärva 100% av aktierna i Paper Test Equipment Sweden AB, Sveriges ledande aktör inom testutrustning för papper, massa & förpackning. Företaget är beläget i Norrköping och har sedan starten 1995 levererat världsledande testutrustning och en hög servicenivå mot nordiska papper-, massa- & förpackningsföretag. Bland kunderna finns de flesta ledande bolagen inom området.

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Varning för Falska e-postmeddelanden

22 Dec 2023
Det har kommit till vår kännedom att vi har haft en mejlkonversation med en av våra kunder där en gärningsman har placerat sig i vår pågående kommunikation. Gärningsmannen, som på ett mycket trovärdigt sätt säger sig vara en Cromocol-anställd, informerar om att Cromocols betalningsinstruktioner har ändrats.

Mer info här:  PDF


Cromocol Scandinavia AB

Fundamentals of Weathering 2022

14 Sep 2022
RISE, Research Institute of Sweden, together with Cromocol Scandinavia, take pleasure in inviting you to participate in seminars on weathering durability testing. Professional instructors from Atlas Material Testing Technology will hold the course Fundamentals of Weathering which is a concept presented as FOW world wide.
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Measure the Color of Plant-based Meat Substitutes

14 Sep 2022
Global concerns about climate impact and food insecurity have accelerated the need for plant-based meat alternatives. In fact, the shift to alternative proteins may be the most cost-effective way of addressing the climate crisis. Plant-based Meat Substitutes or Alternative Protein is one of the fastest-growing industries in the US and worldwide and with HunterLab instruments you can measure the color of any protein-based product or raw material. Why? Read more!

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New Corporate video from BioLogic

30 Jul 2022
Sometimes appearances are misleading. BioLogic is a discreet SME based in the Grenoble area of France, but it is also one of the world leaders on the electrochemical measurement market. BioLogic wanted to highlight the expertise of its teams, its know-how and the quality of its working conditions.
You find it here:  BioLogic Corporate Video 2022

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New line of Benchtop Environmental Test Chambers

19 Mar 2021
Laboratory space is often a hot topic when a lot of instruments and test equipment are squeezed into a lab-area. Since making room for a traditional climatic chamber is not always possible ARALAB has just released a new series of climatic chamber with a small footprint.
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