Written by DZ

DigiEye-seminar at Cromocol in October

Written by DZ

Contactless and precise roughness measurement

KRÜSS presents the Surface Roughness Analyzer – SRA,
a confocal microscope for optical analyses of surface textures

Whether a surface must be very smooth or show a certain texture or degree of roughness, the new Surface Roughness Analyzer – SRA precisely pictures the topographic condition of a surface and provides information for optimizing the material or production process.

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Written by DZ

Meet us at Scandinavian Coating 2019, March 20-21

Nordens enda heltäckande ytbehandlingsmässa

Scandinavian Coating has established itself as the premier meeting place and exhibition for the entire surface treatment industry in Scandinavia. Over the years the event has become more international with participants and exhibitors from countries such as Germany, Italy and Turkey. 

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Written by DZ

Colour measurement – Textile Sample Presentation by HunterLab

The variety of techniques that can be used in presenting textiles samples to ensure valid, repeatable color measurements.


The goal of instrumental color measurement is to obtain repeatable numeric values that correspond to visual assessment. The method of sample preparation, sample presentation and instrument geometry used for measurement can impact measurement precision and the correlation of the measurement to visual assessment.

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